Each of the two processors has an independent cache as well as a controller, which is why both the processors can function independently. In simple terms, a dual-core processor is a CPU with two processors integrated into a single circuit. Accuracy It has comparatively less accuracy. Intel i3 works on four sub cores Generation It is of the second generation. Comparison Table Between Dual Core and i3 Parameters of Comparison Dual Core i3 Working Dual-core works on two sub-core built within a processor. Intel I core 3 is superior to dual-core as a result of increased speed, the capability of handling heavy software with normal speed.
It presents many style changes that give vital performance gains. The latest dual-core processor from Intel is the Core i3, succeeding the Core 2 pair and Dual Cores. Both the processors have their individual controlling system, because of which they possess the ability to function independently. It is basically a C P U with two confined into a singular circuit. The term “dual-core” merely means that a processor has two processing cores inside the package.