Already paid for services, part 2 - Gina Lindsay.Create your new report and use the query from Part 1 of the series as your dataset.Remi lay on her bunk waiting for the priest to arrive and give her the 'last rites,' before her big fight started. This article describes the Half-Life 2 storyline, chapter by chapter. Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware, also known as Half-Life VR: Self Aware AI (abbreviated 'HLVR: AI'), is a 2020 improv role-playing comedy machinima series created by Twitch streamer WayneRadioTV. But when i arrive at the chapter called the 'Horde' when i reach to the point that you meet Joel and Tommy instead of the cutscene getting triggered i just see Joel and Tommy standing still and if i keep going i fall in an invisible cliff and then i get a black screen and the game stucks. (The Quick and the Quickener) To avoid this, I recommend when you pick up a quest, complete it immediately instead of coming back later. Switch through characters and she sweeps again.